In the rare event that a rug is available in stock, we will announce its availability, and in such cases, refunds or returns are possible.
Before your order is shipped, if you need to make any changes or cancellations, kindly contact us with the necessary information at or +91 9005900831.
To take advantage of our money-back guarantee, please request a return within 15 days of receiving your product. Once we receive the returned item, we’ll inspect it to ensure it’s in good condition. If everything looks good, we’ll start the refund process, and you’ll receive your money back within 5-7 days.
No, you don’t have to pay for return shipping. We offer free return shipping and will arrange to pick up the item from your location at a time that works for you. If you prefer to handle the shipping yourself, please make sure to send the item back within 48 hours of requesting the return.
1. Request a Return: You need to start your return request within 15 days of receiving your order.
2. Contact Us: Call us at +91 9005900831 or email to let us know about your return.
3. Pickup Arrangement: We will arrange to pick up the rug from your location within 3-4 working days at a time that works for you.
4. Self-Shipping: If you prefer to return the rug yourself, please send it back within 48 hours of making the return request.
5. Packaging: Make sure the rug is packed in its original packaging. If the original packing is damaged, let us know when you request the return. We will send you a tamper-proof packet after discussing with our Customer Service Team. Securely pack and seal the rug before the pickup.
6. Acknowledgment: When we pick up the rug, make sure to get a receipt or a confirmation message, either a paper receipt, a photo of the tracking number, or an SMS confirmation.
7. Processing Time: It usually takes around 8-10 days after we receive the returned item to process your return.
8. Quality Check: Once the rug reaches our warehouse, it will be checked for quality. If it is in good condition, we will start the refund process within 5 days.
9. Refund Options: You can choose to either use the refund amount for another purchase or get it refunded to your bank account.
10. Refund Details:
– Cash on Delivery Orders: The refund will be processed to your bank account.
– Prepaid Orders: The refund will be credited to the original payment method (Credit Card, Debit Card, or Net Banking).
In the rare event that a rug is available in stock, we will announce its availability, and in such cases, refunds or returns are possible.
Before your order is shipped, if you need to make any changes or cancellations, kindly contact us with the necessary information at or +91 9005900831.
You can return an item within 15 days from the date you received it. To be eligible for a return, the item must be in the same condition as when it was delivered to you.
You can return an item within 15 days from the date you receive it.
If the item is in good condition, we will start processing your refund within 5-7 business days after we receive the returned product at our warehouse.
– For cash on delivery orders, the refund will be transferred to your bank account.
– For prepaid orders, the amount will be credited back to your original payment method (Credit Card, Debit Card, or Net Banking).
Please call us or email us to request another copy of the email. We’ll send it to your registered email address.
Currently, this 15-day return policy is available only for customers in India. International customers are covered by our Warranty Policy.
You can cancel your order online before it is shipped. If you cancel before shipment, you will receive a full refund. Unfortunately, once the shipment is underway, the order cannot be canceled.
We’re here to help! Contact our customer service team at +91 9005900831 or email us at