Kaleen Baba

Tarms & Condition

Shipping & Delivery

You can use the channels below to get in touch with us and find out the status of your order. Mobile: (09:30 AM–6:30 PM IST): +91 9005900831. Contact info@kaleenbaba.com by email. Chat on the website: 9:30 AM to 6:30 PM IST

Shipping is free for every item you order from our website.

We promise that all orders will be shipped out within 48 business hours. Product per product, the anticipated delivery time varies and can be as soon as the following day or, at most, 10 business days after the purchase is placed. On the product detail page, you can check the estimated delivery time.

To find out the estimated delivery days for a product, enter your delivery pin code on the product detail page.

Following successful order placement, you will receive the following email notifications:

  1. 1 Order confirmation by email
  2. 2 Order confirmation via text message.
  3. 3 When the product ships, an email with tracking information and an invoice is sent.

You can contact us via email at info@kaleenbaba.com or by phone at +91 9005900831 to cancel your order. Order cancellations are only permitted up until the point of shipping dispatch. Following the cancellation of the order, the refund will be started and should appear in your account using the original payment method within 48 business hours.

Regarding the US: No additional fees. The listed price includes shipping, taxes, and all charges. Additional duties and taxes may be applied for overseas shipments according to the local customs legislation of the individual countries. You must pay our shipping partner at the time of delivery. Please contact info@kaleenbaba.com if you would like additional information.

Peyment Related

How am I going to pay?

  • Through our secure payment gateway, you can make payments with cash wallets, credit cards, debit cards, and online banking. 
  • PayPal is another option for payment. Another option for payment is a bank transfer. 
  • In India, cash on delivery is offered for cart values under one million rupees. 
  • Please contact us via phone at +91 9005900831 or by email at info@kaleenbaba.com to learn more.
  • Is there free shipping?
  • India: Shipments from India Are Free but depend on product & quantity; International: Delivery to All Countries. At the time of delivery, additional duties and taxes must be paid to the shipping company.

  • Are all taxes and fees included in the prices listed on the website?
  • Regarding the US: No additional fees. The listed price includes shipping, taxes, and all charges. Regarding international shipping: Additional charges and local taxes may be necessary, contingent upon the specific customs regulations of each nation. At the time of delivery, you must give payment to our shipping partner. Please contact us at info@kaleenbaba.com or +91 9005900831 for further details.

  • Do you provide the option of paying by EMI?
  • Within India: Indeed. We provide an EMI option for payment at the payment page post checkout. Outside: Not at all. There isn’t an EMI option available right now.

Order Cancellation

  • What is the process for editing or canceling my order?  
  • Please be informed that we do not keep rugs in stock. All our rugs are manufactured after a purchase is made. Therefore, once an order is placed and manufacturing has commenced, it cannot be canceled, refunded, or replaced.
  • In the rare event that a rug is available in stock, we will announce its availability, and in such cases, refunds or returns are possible.
  • Before your order is shipped, if you need to make any changes or cancellations, kindly contact us with the necessary information at info@kaleenbaba.com or +91 9005900831.

1 Made-to-Order Rugs: We do not keep rugs in stock. Each rug is manufactured specifically for you after your purchase. Therefore, once your order is placed and manufacturing begins, cancellations, refunds, or replacements are not possible.

2 Stock Announcements: Occasionally, we may have rugs in stock. In such cases, we will announce their availability. For these in-stock items, you can request a refund or return, provided the order is canceled before the goods are shipped.

3 Order Cancellation: If you decide to cancel your order, you can do so online and receive a full refund, as long as the cancellation is made before the rug is shipped. Unfortunately, once the shipment process has begun, order cancellations are not possible.

Return Policy

  • What is the procedure for returns?
  • Please be informed that we do not keep rugs in stock. All our rugs are manufactured after a purchase is made. Therefore, once an order is placed and manufacturing has commenced, it cannot be canceled, refunded, or replaced In India, you have 15 days to return any online purchase without any problems.
  • Go here for additional information. The customer is responsible for paying the return shipping fee in the event of a non-manufacturing problem.
  • We can take care of the logistics in those instances. Only manufacturing flaws are eligible for the return policy’s application on an international level. Please contact us at info@kaleenbaba.com if you require any further information. Our “15-Day Hassle Free Return” policy does not cover carpets that have been personalized.

Please be informed that we do not keep rugs in stock. All our rugs are manufactured after a purchase is made. Therefore, once an order is placed and manufacturing has commenced, it cannot be canceled, refunded, or replaced.

You can return an item up to 15 days after the date your order was received. You are required to return it in the exact same condition as when you received it.

You have fifteen days from the date of receipt to request a return. Only for it on the stock.

Within 48 hours of the item passing quality tests, we will begin the refund process. Please allow 7-8 business days for the amount to reflect in your account, provided the item is undamaged.

The original method of payment used to place the order will be utilized to complete the refund.

Get another copy of the email by calling or sending us another email. Your registered email address will be used to resent it.

No, at this time, our hassle-free 15-day return policy is exclusively available to consumers in India. This Warranty Policy also applies to consumers in other countries.

India is a Before being sent out, every one of our rugs is meticulously inspected for quality. But if the rug gets damaged in transit, please send an email to info@kaleenbaba.com with photos of the damaged area and your purchase ID as soon as you have the rug. We promise to respond to your email within one business day of receiving it.

Within six months, a consumer can request a return no more than twice. The consumer is liable for the freight charges related to any returns that exceed two.

Bespoke / Customer Rugs

Absolutely, we do offer custom-made rugs! You can email us your requirements at info@kaleenbaba.com or share your details directly here. Additionally, you can request custom sizes for our existing products by selecting the ‘custom size’ option on the product detail page.

Rug Quality

In India, we ensure every rug goes through thorough quality checks before shipping. However, if your rug arrives damaged, please email us pictures of the damaged area along with your order ID to info@kaleenbaba.com as soon as you receive it. We will address the issue within one working day.

Yes, the colors of the rugs on our website are accurate. However, due to different screen resolutions, there might be slight variations in the actual rug color compared to the website image. If you need more pictures or information, feel free to contact us at +91 9005900831 or info@kaleenbaba.com

Rug Care

For more detailed tips on cleaning and maintaining your rug, click here.

Additional Services

Check out our tips and layout diagrams for the best ways to arrange rugs in every space of your home.

It’s simple! Using a rug pad can keep your rug in place. Try our rug pads for the best results.

We’re here for you. Reach out to our customer service team at +91 9005900831 or email us at info@kaleenbaba.com.

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